
1. Log into your cPanel account. 2. In the “Software” section, click on “Softaculous App Installer” Icon. 3. cPanel will...

1. Log into your cPanel account. 2. In the “Software and Services” section, click on “Softaculous” Icon. 3. cPanel will...

Security is important for our data safety and we recommended you to enable the Two-Factor Authentication(2FA) on your cPanel account...

1. Log into your cPanel account. 2. In the “Software” section, click on “Softaculous App Installer” Icon. 3. cPanel will...

You can lock a directory with password by using the cPanel “Password Protected Directories” Option. 1. Log into your cPanel...

Before adding an Addon Domain name you need to point your addon domain name server to your main domain name...

After purchasing our hosting account, you will receive a Welcome email from us which contains our “name server” and you...

1. Log into your cPanel account. 2. In the “Software” section, click on “Softaculous App Installer” Icon. 3. cPanel will...

If you don’t want to use a 3rd party FTP Software, you can use the cPanel’s inbuilt File Manager. 1. Log...

If you want to receive notification on reaching your disk quota, bandwidth usage limit, reaching email disk quota or want...

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